Whatever Your Plan Is

“Whatever your plan is, you will make a way for it” (Bethel)

This worship song is something I have been listening to over the last weeks, the line that stood out to me is ‘whatever your plan is you will make a way for it’. I am a massive planner which I think I have mentioned in a previous blog.

I like to plan things in advance and know what is going on, I am like this in all areas of my life. Lockdown threw everything out the window and I had to learn how to do things differently. I know we all have had to change the way we do life and find new routines.

The one thing that has been constant is God, God has been here through it all. The line ‘whatever your plan’ is something I have been holding onto because I like to plan things my way and sometimes I can forget to let God in. I sometimes think I am super woman and surprisingly it turns out that I’m not. Daily and sometimes hourly I have to remind myself that God is in control and I don’t have to do it on my own. I have to remind myself that God’s plan is better than mine and time after time this has been true.

Why don’t you spend a moment reflecting on your day/week and give it to God? “Whatever your plan, God will make a way for it”.  God is in control and he has got you.

Another worship song I have been loving during this time is a song called ‘Lean Back’ by Capital City

The song is all about leaning back into God’s loving arms and to know that he is good.

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him” (Romans 8:28)

I don’t know how you are finding life now lockdown is easing, maybe you are loving it or maybe you are finding it unsettling. Sometimes I love that things are starting to ease and sometimes I feel so unsettled about all the changes, but I have to remind myself to lean back into God and know that he is good, that he has got everything in his hands.

I don’t have to carry the weight of the world on my shoulders, I need to lean back into God and into his love and remind myself to cast my cares onto his shoulders and hold onto his promises.

If you have time this week, why not listen to these two worship songs and remind yourself that your never alone and you can lean back and trust God.

Whatever your plan is: //www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MoLLtZIxdE&list=RDqHQOcUizZuQ&index=6

Lean back//www.youtube.com/watch?v=qHQOcUizZuQ&list=RDqHQOcUizZuQ&index=1




Cast Your Cares


Rummage For God