Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
2 Corinthians 9:7
We are so grateful for the generous financial contributions of our church members, which enables our vision of ‘Loving God, Growing Disciples and Transforming Communities’.
How to give
There are three ways you can make a one-off gift to St Stephen’s:
Make a BACS transfer using our bank details. (Please reference the fund you’d like to give to)
Give online using your credit/debit card. Click on the button below and use the drop down menu to select which fund you’d like to donate to.
Post a cheque to the church office. (Please note on the back if there is a particular fund you are donating to).
The most helpful way to give is through the Parish Giving Scheme. Please click on the link below. You will be given the opportunity to gift aid your donation
Sort Code: 20-72-33
Account No: 20807087
Please specify which fund you are donating to as reference. If donating by bank transfer please email finance@st-stephens.org.uk to let us know. A gift aid form can also be sent to you, if applicable.
Parish Giving Scheme
Find out more about the Parish Giving Scheme here
If you are considering a legacy donation to St Stephen’s in your will and would like to talk to somebody about it, please contact finance@st-stephens.org.uk or call us on 020 8892 5258. You can also find general information via the link below.
Gift Aid.
Make your donation go further. If you pay tax your donation can be Gift Aided, meaning we get 25% extra from the government at no extra cost to you. Also, if you are in the 40% or 45% tax bracket you can Gift Aid and claim tax relief on your donation. Read our Gift Aid Guide for more information.