Please scroll down to view this terms’ Groups and sign up
What are Groups?
Groups at St Stephen’s are all of the places we gather midweek to continue growing in our discipleship with Jesus.
We believe discipleship takes place in a range of contexts and so our Groups aim to reflect that, including Bible studies, courses, and interest-based gatherings. Our Groups run termly, predominantly on a weekly or fortnightly basis and are both in person and online.
How do I sign up for a Group?
The best way to sign up for a Group is during the first couple of weeks of each term. At this point, all of our Groups are visible on this page for you to have a look through and see what might work best for you.
If you miss that window though, don't worry. Send an email to and we'd be happy to help you find one.
At the beginning of each term, we encourage everyone at St Stephen’s to consider whether they would like to stay in their Group or attend another one, e.g. one of the courses. You can then return to your previous Group or try another, up to you.
The Groups will be listed below at the start of each term and you can use the filters available to help you.
Our Courses