The Walls Of Jericho
In chapter 5 and 6 of the book of Joshua, is the well-known story about the walls of Jericho. Recently I listened to a talk by Christine Caine all about this passage and relating it to what we are going through right now.
In the chapters we see the story unfold that no one could into Jericho and no one could leave. Joshua and the Israelite's must have been thinking how on earth are we supposed to win this battle? Some of you might be feeling how on earth am I going to do another day let alone another week like this. “See I have given Jericho into your hands” God told Joshua that Jericho was the next step. They were so nearly at the promised land. Joshua in those moments really had to trust God, God’s battle plan wasn’t to go in and fight them, it was to walk around the walls for 6 days and then on the 7th day walk around seven times, blowing trumpets. I don’t know about you, but that part of the story really entertains me.
God knew exactly how that battle was going to be won and he knows exactly how the battles in our lives are going to be won. God never left Joshua and he never leaves you. One thing that struck me from Christine Caine’s talk on this passage was the phrase “No one was denying the reality of the wall”. No one is denying the changes that have happened in our lives now, but we have to do what the Israelites did and trust and follow God’s plan. That’s exactly what they did, they marched around the walls being obedient to God.
They trusted and worshipped , they didn’t exactly know if the walls really were going to come down, but they worshipped and trusted anyway because God had come through for them before and he was going to do it for them again. For the Israelites it was about getting to the other side and right now we might all be feeling we just want to get to the other side of this lockdown. But God is still working in and through you. It’s about taking another lap with God; I’m not suggesting that you suddenly start marching like the Israelites did, but praying and worshipping in the midst of all that is going on. The Israelites probably thought what they had been asked to do was an impossible task, but they did it and in the end the walls come tumbling down.
“Impossible is where God starts, miracles are what God does”
My encouragement to you today, is keep going in the battle you are facing because God is faithful, and he will never leave you.
Why not read or watch this story as a family: //
Then you could re create your own walls of Jericho to help you remember the story.
Love Lauren