God’s Countless Expressions of Love

Here is a favourite Psalm of mine copied from the Passion Translation. I find the wording powerful and evocative and I have highlighted two verses that particularly strike me.

When I read verse 2, it conjures up in my mind a wonderful picture of God taking care of me, carefully lifting me out of my pit (physical or emotional), putting me on a firm and secure place and steadying me as I walk along His path. This reminds me that He loves me completely and unconditionally and it also reminds me that the Lord God Almighty is looking out for each one of us every minute of every day and He will carry us through every difficulty.

Then verse 5 tells me that God is in charge of all the little things in our lives as well as the big things. I experience many ‘coincidences’ during the week but actually I believe they are God-incidences; they are the ‘countless expressions of love’ from our Heavenly Father for our specific encouragement. They can take many different forms; a text from a friend at just the right moment, the worship song that lifts our spirits, the Bible verse that speaks directly to our situation, the friends we bump into on our daily walks. I believe they are all gifts from God to us to remind us that He is with us constantly and wants to encourage us. Perhaps take a moment to acknowledge some of the ‘countless expressions of love’ you have received and thank our heavenly Father.

Here is the Psalm for you to enjoy and I pray that you will see many ‘countless expressions of love’ this week.

Psalm 40

A Joyful Salvation
A song of poetic praise, by King David
1 I waited and waited and waited some more,
patiently, knowing God would come through for me.
Then, at last, he bent down and listened to my cry.
2 He stooped down to lift me out of danger
from the desolate pit I was in,
out of the muddy mess I had fallen into.
Now he’s lifted me up into a firm, secure place
and steadied me while I walk along his ascending path.
A new song for a new day rises up in me
every time I think about how he breaks through for me!
Ecstatic praise pours out of my mouth until
everyone hears how God has set me free.
Many will see his miracles;
they’ll stand in awe of God and fall in love with him!
Blessing after blessing comes to those who love and trust the Lord.
They will not fall away,
for they refuse to listen to the lies of the proud.
5 O Lord, our God, no one can compare with you.
Such wonderful works and miracles are all found with you!
And you think of us all the time
with your countless expressions of love—
far exceeding our expectations!
It’s not sacrifices that really move your heart.
Burnt offerings, sin offerings—that’s not what brings you joy.
But when you open my ears and speak deeply to me,
I become your willing servant, your prisoner of love for life.
So I said, “Here I am! I’m coming to you as a sacrifice,
for in the prophetic scrolls of your book
you have written about me.
I delight to fulfil your will, my God,
for your living words are written upon the pages of my heart.”
I tell everyone everywhere the truth of your righteousness.
And you know I haven’t held back in telling the message to all.
10 I don’t keep it a secret or hide the truth.
I preach of your faithfulness and kindness,
proclaiming your extravagant love to the largest crowd I can find!
11 So Lord, don’t hold back your love or withhold
your tender mercies from me.
Keep me in your truth and let your compassion overflow to me
no matter what I face.
12 Evil surrounds me; problems greater than I can solve
come one after another.
Without you, I know I can’t make it.
My sins are so many!
I’m so ashamed to lift my face to you.
For my guilt grabs me and stings my soul
until I am weakened and spent.
13 Please, Lord! Come quickly and rescue me!
Take pleasure in showing me your favour and restore me.
14 Let all who seek my life be humiliated!
Let them be confused and ashamed, God.
Scatter those who wish me evil; they just want me dead.
15 Scoff at every scoffer and cause them all to be utter failures.
Let them be ashamed and horrified by their complete defeat.
16 But let all who passionately seek you
erupt with excitement and joy over what you’ve done!
Let all your lovers rejoice continually in the Saviour, saying,
“How great and glorious is our God!”
17 Lord, in my place of weakness and need, I ask again:
Will you come and help me?
I know I’m always in your thoughts.
You are my true Saviour and hero,
so don’t delay to deliver me now, for you are my God.

God bless you

Love Caroline


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