God Loves You

In case you missed the live on Friday:

Explaining God’s love in a creative way:

Things needed:

Three cups of water or clear containers

Food colouring


Put red food colouring in one of the cups of water

The red food colouring represents God’s love. God loves us no matter what.

Then add different colours into one of the other clear glasses. This represents when we let things get in the way of our friendship with God; when we get jealous of others, or when we think we know best, or when we say unkind things, or tell a lie.

All these colours make the water a mucky colour. In life we all make mistakes and we can run away from God and we can forget to invite Him into what is going on in our lives.

But the amazing thing about God is that He loves us so much and His arms are wide open to welcome us back.

When we say sorry and ask God to forgive us for what we have done, He wipes the slate clean and forgets about all the things we have done; we get another chance to live in freedom and forgiveness. This is what the glass with clear water represents.


Bible story: 

Read Luke 15 or if you have the Jesus story book bible the story is called ‘Running Away’ (pg 272).

Or you could watch the story:


This story is amazing because it is a great reminder that God loves us no matter what. But when we have made a mistake or run away from God, He accepts us back with open arms.

God loves you so much.

Why don’t you turn to the people in your household and tell them that God loves them so much.

Why not write this or draw this on paper and stick it up in your house so whenever you are walking into that room it is good reminder that God loves you.



Things you need for this

- Cardboard box (doesn’t matter the size)

- Things to decorate the box



- Pens

Once you have these items begin to decorate the box.

This is going to be a prayer box, so once it is decorated begin to write prayers to go into the box.

These could be prayers for yourself or your family. You can contact your friends, family and others in the community to ask them what their prayer requests are then write them down and put them in the box. Each day you could take a few of these out of the box and pray for them.

As you pray for each person you can ask God to help them and show them how much He loves them.

Love Lauren.


The Lord Is Good

