Coping With The Unexpected

I read Christine Caine’s book ‘Unexpected’ almost 2 years ago and it helped me a lot with all the unexpected things that were happening at the time especially our Associate Pastor Sonja’s illness and subsequent death. I thought I would share some of the points from her book that really ‘got me through’ that difficult time that might be helpful to us during this season of ‘unexpected’ in our lives now. The following are quotes from Christine Caine:-

“He wants us to learn how to walk with confidence through every unexpected challenge life throws our way – not only so we can be a powerful testimony to others, but also so we can develop a more intimate relationship with him ourselves.”

“As surprising as the unexpected is, we need to remember that our unexpected is never unexpected to God. God knew this day would come in my life, and he was already in this day waiting for me.”

“Whether we ever understand why, the only way to overcome any unexpected shock is through.”

“Moving through is about continuing to live a life of purpose and passion – of always moving forward, never losing sight of your objective.”

“In every battle we face, fear is our fiercest enemy – and the enemy of our souls knows it. That’s why he’s always ready to foster it and reinforce it in our minds. If we don’t learn how to overcome its power, then it can defeat us every time. It can even develop into chronic conditions that manifest in our bodies and minds, such as anxiety, panic attacks, incessant worry, or sleepless nights. If you have ever suffered from any of fear’s debilitating effects, then you know that the symptoms are very real. What may start as a negative feeling or inner conflict can grow into an incapacitating challenge.”

“But fear is not from God, and it’s not more powerful than God. He gave us 3 offensive weapons to lean into when we’re attacked: “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind” (2 Tim 1:7)”

“When we rely on the Holy Spirit, we can take heart, because we are not fighting alone. We fight the good fight of faith in God’s power, not by focusing on fear and trying to defeat it in our own strength, but by relying on God, knowing he is faithful. If I focus on God more than on the unexpected circumstance, then it is God who will be biggest in my heart and mind, and peace will be my outcome. The path God has given us winds upward not downward, but we have to make him bigger to stay on that path mentally, emotionally and physically.”

“We cannot control the uncontrollable, but we can entrust all of it to God.”

I hope this is helpful.

God bless you

Love Caroline


God Can Do Immeasurably More


Crossing The Jordan